13 Best Dogs for First-Time Owners

Selecting one’s initial canine companion is both thrilling and somewhat daunting. Perhaps the puppy will serve as your solitary companion, a playmate for your children, or a “fur baby” for you and your partner. Regardless of the breed, the dog you select should be compatible with your lifestyle.

Although every dog is individually unique, the energy levels, sizes, appearances, and hygiene requirements of each breed are generally predictable. This information can be useful in selecting the most suitable dog for your needs. Poodles, Labrador retrievers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Yorkshire terriers are among the breeds that are particularly well-suited for first-time pet ownership.

Additionally, there is a wealth of information to be acquired regarding the establishment of feeding routines, housebreaking, hygiene, and general canine healthcare. Most importantly, there is an inevitable period of acclimatization during which you and your new four-legged companion become acquainted with each other’s dispositions and habits. You do not wish to emerge from that period with the impression that you have selected the incorrect dog. Fortunately, certain breeds are more amiable, low-maintenance, or less intimidating than other breeds, making them the ideal choice for first-time proprietors.

For those who are first-time dog caretakers, the following are the most suitable dog breeds.


A dog’s genes may be the source of distinct breed traits, such as prey drive, aggression toward strangers, and simplicity of training. However, each dog is unique, despite this hardwiring. In certain instances, doggy DNA may be superseded by nurturing and behavioral training. It is crucial to bear in mind that the behavior of a specific dog cannot be entirely predicted by its breed.

Families’ Top-Rated Dogs for Beginners

Characteristics of the Breed

The most suitable breed for a novice dog owner is the one that corresponds to their activity and attention levels. If you desire a dog that can accompany you on a run, opt for an athletic breed with endurance, such as the Labrador retriever. It is advisable to steer clear of high-energy dog breeds if you prefer a placid lapdog, such as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. For your initial dog, you may favor a low-maintenance breed, such as the papillon, particularly if you are unable to devote a significant amount of time to upkeep.

Please bear in mind that all canines, regardless of their breed, necessitate proper care, training, and veterinary attention. Adult foster dogs from a rescue organization are frequently already housebroken and well-adjusted. These dogs are an excellent choice for novices, as puppies necessitate a significant amount of attention, socialization, and training.

1. Bernese Mountain Dog

Despite their size, Bernese Mountain Dogs are intelligent, affectionate, anxious to please, and easy-going. They enjoy a good frolic with the children, but they are equally content to spend the evening at home and unwind. They are highly devoted to their humans and are capable of adapting to nearly any living circumstance. Although they are not aggressive, they are effective watchdogs. Nevertheless, it is important to note that Berners shed significantly and necessitate regular combing to eliminate loose hair.

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2. Bichon Frise

The bichon frise is an adorable, cheerful puppy that is ideal for families with children or apartment dwellers. It resembles a cotton orb that is bouncy. This breed is an exceptional companion in every respect. Bichons are relatively simple to train, adapt well to any lifestyle, and require only moderate daily exercise to maintain a healthy and cheerful disposition. It will be necessary to allocate both time and funds for routine grooming appointments with the groomer. The curly coat of this breed necessitates meticulous brushing and regular trimming. Keep your bichon’s hair trimmed for a coat that requires less maintenance.

3. Boxer

The energetic boxer is the ideal choice for those seeking a medium-large, high-energy dog. This dog establishes an intimate relationship with its family. Additionally, a boxer may be an appropriate choice for individuals who maintain an active lifestyle. This breed necessitates an extensive amount of exercise and a robust training regimen. Although juvenile boxers may exhibit a degree of hyperactivity, they are trainable and derive pleasure from the attention they receive during training. Boxers are capable of flourishing in households that are active and frequently establish positive relationships with children after they have been trained and socialized. Boxers are inherently protective of their families, particularly infants, as they are guardians by nature. Additionally, the boxer’s hygiene requirements are low-maintenance.

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a creature that is affectionate and sweet, and it has a puppy-like appearance. Cavaliers are able to flourish in a variety of households and are generally simpatico with children of all ages. This breed is diminutive and exhibits a gentle disposition. This dog is generally calm, attentive, and elegant. Basic daily exercise is typically sufficient to preserve the Cavalier’s health, due to its moderate energy level. Cavaliers are also highly intelligent and exhibit a favorable response to training. Additionally, this dog’s maintenance requirements are straightforward, despite its medium-length coat. Ensure that you prioritize consistent scrubbing.

5. Golden Retriever

The golden retriever is the quintessential family dog–they are anxious to please. Golden retrievers are exceptionally well-suited to children of all ages. This medium-sized dog is active, affectionate, loyal, and cheerful. The breed’s intelligence and adaptability enable it to flourish in the majority of households. In order to maintain their physical health and prevent tedium, they also require a moderate amount of exercise. Training is indispensable; however, it is not exceedingly challenging. They are eager to acquire knowledge and can be instructed in a variety of tasks. To maintain the breed’s coat free of tangles and matting, it is necessary to brush it on a regular basis.

6. Great Dane

Great Danes typically stand at a height of 28-30 inches. Elsa Hoffmann/Shutterstock
Do not be intimidated by the Great Dane’s immense bulk. Although they are gentle giants, these oversized pooches can be fierce watchdogs if they believe their family is in peril. However, Great Danes are generally laid-back canines who are highly intelligent, enjoy playing, and are extremely affectionate with their preferred humans. However, obedience training is imperative for a dog of this size, and Great Danes are known to slobber, despite being only moderate shedders.

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7. Labrador Retriever

One of the most recognizable and popular medium-large dog breeds is the Labrador retriever. Labs are highly adaptable to a wide range of environments and are particularly adept at interacting with children. They are dogs that develop close bonds with their families and are intensely loyal and affectionate. This breed is intelligent, lively, and active. They prosper in households that are very active and offer an abundance of exercise and training opportunities. Labradors are inclined to acquire knowledge and can be trained to perform nearly any task. They derive pleasure from retrieving, running, and cuddling. Fortunately, their hygiene requirements are minimal, such as the regular brushing necessary to reduce shedding.

8. Maltese

The Maltese’s friendly demeanor and endearing appearance are irresistible. These canines possess lovely, silky coats that, if left untrimmed, will cascade to the ground. However, they can maintain a manageable length by receiving scheduled haircuts. Despite the abundance of fur, they do not shed excessively; however, they should be combed on a daily basis. The Maltese is a breed that is extremely cheerful and affectionate, and it does not necessitate excessive exercise. It is content to spend time relaxing on your sofa.

Mixed Breed Dogs

It is crucial to consider the presence of mixed-breed canines when selecting the appropriate breed for your needs. These distinctive canines can serve as exceptional companions. If you are uncertain about the breed that is most suitable for you, consider visiting your local shelter or rescue group to observe some endearing mutts. Rescue workers can assist you in selecting a dog that possesses the qualities you are seeking. Training, exercise, and grooming are essential for all canines; however, the requirements of a mixed-breed dog will be contingent upon its distinctive genetic makeup, which can be determined through a dog DNA test.

9. Papillon

Do not be deceived by the diminutive stature of this creature. This breed of dog is adaptable, friendly, and cheerful, and it can thrive in a wide range of households. The papillon is amicable with children, provided that they are delicate. The papillon is a diminutive canine that thrives in an environment that is somewhat active. This adorable creature can serve as both an exercise companion and lapdog. The papillon does not require extensive exercise; however, it does enjoy the opportunity to gallop and play. Despite its ease of training, the breed necessitates only moderate maintenance.

10. Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is a diminutive and affectionate lapdog. The Pom frequently forms the strongest connection with a single owner; however, it can also thrive in families. This breed is more suitable for elder children who are gentle, but it can be adapted to a variety of circumstances. In general, your Pom will be content with a daily regimen of fundamental exercise. In order to establish boundaries and structure, they require fundamental training. The breed’s feisty and obstinate nature may manifest without training. Fortunately, they will flourish as a result of consistent, positive training. This dog has a large, fluffy coat and is moderately active. It is also vibrant. Fortunately, its pelt is not as high-maintenance as it appears. In general, it is sufficient to maintain the appearance of your Pom through consistent combing.

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11. Poodle

The poodle is a beloved and adaptable breed of dog that is an exceptional companion. The poodle is highly adaptable to its surroundings and can thrive in a variety of residences, including those with children. This breed is available in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. All are intelligent and exhibit a favorable response to training. Poodles are highly active canines that require substantial mental stimulation and exercise. In order to preserve their curly, ever-expanding coat, they require consistent maintenance.

12. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a diminutive dog that is exceedingly affectionate. Whether it is lounging on the sofa with you while you watch TV or playing with the children, this ancient Chinese breed is most content when they are with their family. This breed is not prone to excessive howling, nor does it require a high level of exercise. However, it is necessary to brush its elegant silky coat at least several times per week to prevent tangles. Surprisingly, the Shih Tzu sheds minimally.

13. Yorkshire Terrier

A Yorkshire terrier is an excellent choice for individuals who desire a small lapdog as a first-time pet. This breed is affectionate toward its owner and may even exhibit protective behavior toward outsiders. The Yorkie requires only fundamental exercise due to its moderate energy level. This breed benefits greatly from daily treks. Additionally, it necessitates a strong foundation of training. In the absence of structure, these diminutive canines may exhibit stubbornness and vocalization. Train your Yorkie in the same manner as you would a larger dog, as this will fortify the bond between you and establish boundaries. There are hygiene requirements for this dog that necessitate attentiveness. Yorkies’ hair must be combed and trimmed on a regular basis due to its perpetual growth. It will be relatively straightforward to maintain the appearance and well-being of your Yorkie if you have the time and financial resources to schedule regular grooming appointments.

Breeds to Avoid

If you are a first-time owner, it is advisable to pass on canines with an unpredictable disposition or breeds that are highly independent and stubborn. Some of these breeds may necessitate rigorous socialization and behavioral training, as well as close supervision when around strangers. This time, it is advisable to avoid breeds that are bred for defense or protection, herding dogs, active terrier breeds, and breeds that are generally high-maintenance.

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