The 10 Cheapest Dog Breeds for Budget-Conscious Pet Lovers

The price of puppy love

The most expensive canines can sell for thousands of dollars, which is a significant disappointment for those who are experiencing financial difficulties. If that describes you, we have some excellent news: Not all purebred dogs are expensive. In general, the adorable puppies on our list will be less expensive to acquire from a breeder, and you can further reduce your expenses by adopting from shelters or breed-specific programs, such as the Beagle Freedom Project. This is the reason we have designated them as the most affordable dog breeds available.

The price of a dog can vary depending on the breed, but it is reasonable to anticipate a cost of $600 to $2,500 to acquire the puppy. In addition to the initial investment, it is inevitable that all canines incur expenses. The fundamentals include sustenance, chew toys, and annual immunizations and heartworm prevention. In addition to regular maintenance, your dog may require obedience training, daycare, or a dog walker while you are away. Additionally, it is prudent to accumulate funds or obtain pet insurance to cover unforeseen veterinarian expenses.


Although these diminutive canines weigh only 3 to 6 pounds, they are anything but timid. According to Dr. Apted, Chihuahuas are a vigilant and loyal companion due to their larger-than-life personality. It will be a long-lasting relationship. Chihuahuas are among the longest-living dog breeds, with an average lifespan of 14 to 16 years. This is due to the fact that smaller canines tend to have longer life spans. It is fortunate that they are a relatively healthy breed. Therefore, with the savings you have made, you may wish to contemplate adopting another one, who would be warmly welcomed.

Toy Manchester terrier

During the 19th century, these diminutive canines were bred with the intention of hunting rats. Today, they may still experience an urge to pursue small animals; however, this impulse is primarily motivated by fascination. Gentle and exceedingly devoted toward family members, the breed is renowned for its timidity toward strangers. The smooth and sleek coat of these canines eliminates the need to invest in grooming services, and their diminutive size necessitates less food purchases. However, you may wish to retain the savings for future veterinary care. Toy Juvenile dilated cardiomyopathy, a potentially fatal cardiac disease, frequently impacts Manchester terriers. Genetic testing is available to ascertain whether your dog is a carrier or if it possesses the condition.

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These puppies, which are perpetually cheerful and affordable, were bred to hunt in packs and, as a result, prefer to socialize with other pets and humans rather than being left alone, unless they detect a scent. Subsequently, they terminate all wagers until their curiosity is satiated. Otherwise, they are primarily concerned with having a good time and are exceptional playmates for the children, who will admire their endearing vocal range. According to Dr. Apted, they are capable of producing a diverse array of sounds, such as barks, howls, and bays, which are frequently employed to communicate their emotions or when hunting. Beagles, like the majority of short-haired canines, are relatively inexpensive to groom. They survive with a weekly brushing and an occasional soaking.

German wirehaired pointer

If you are an outdoor enthusiast and are seeking a dog that can acclimate to a variety of weather conditions, the German wirehaired pointer (GWP) may be the ideal hiking companion. This breed requires daily vigorous exercise, which allows you to forgo your gym membership and obtain fitness with your closest friend. Additionally, the GWP is equipped with a weather-resistant coat that is nearly water-repellent, allowing you to walk or trek in any type of weather. This dog is not in need of an expensive garment. In terms of hygiene, the most affordable dog breeds frequently necessitate only a few weekly brushings and an occasional bath. GWPs are among the most intelligent dog breeds and are remarkably eager to learn, so they should quickly grasp those lessons. Additionally, you are unlikely to invest a significant amount of money on dog training.


Did you know that Dalmatians are born entirely white? They acquire their distinctive markings at approximately two weeks of age. Another intriguing fact: “Some Dalmatians have a distinctive approach to revealing their teeth in a manner that resembles a grin by pulling back their lips.” According to Dr. Neese, this is frequently referred to as the “Dalmatian smile.” It may appear peculiar or ominous, but in the majority of instances, it simply indicates that they are content or being deferential. Additionally, you may observe that smile frequently during your interactions. Although their rambunctious energy level may not be suitable for families with younger children, they flourish on human companionship.

What additional characteristics distinguish them as one of the most affordable dog breeds? Similar to the majority of short-coated breeds, they do not necessitate professional maintenance. However, they do shed excessively, necessitating frequent grooming.

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Border collie

These pupsters possess an abundance of vitality, agility, and stamina, making them one of the most intelligent and adorable black-and-white dog breeds. (For your information, they are available in varieties other than black and white!) The breed’s herding abilities are truly extraordinary, as evidenced by their intense gaze. “The father of the border collie breed, Old Hemp, exhibited a distinctive style that was both quiet and composed, in contrast to the more prevalent aggressive herding methods of the era,” explains Dr. Neese. “He employed a hypnotic stare to manage sheep, a technique that became a distinctive characteristic of the border collie breed.” If those intriguing characteristics did not captivate you, perhaps this will: Border collies are loyal, intelligent, and charming, and their hardiness and health make them less expensive to see the veterinarian.


In the mid-1800s, when news spread that Queen Marie Henriette of Belgium owned a charming black pup, everyone desired one of their own. The confident and inquisitive nature of Schipperkes encourages them to investigate, so it is crucial to establish dog-training fundamentals, such as “come,” at an early stage in order to maintain their attention. However, they are affectionate toward fully matured humans, despite their independent tendencies and mischievous antics. Small pets may not be suitable roommates, as they were originally bred to pursue vermin and may still have a strong prey drive toward small animals (or small humans who tease or play rough with them). What qualifies them as one of the most affordable dog breeds? They consume less food due to their diminutive size; their coat necessitates only weekly combing, and they do not necessitate grooming appointments; and they are generally in good health.


Pugs are an affordable dog species, despite the fact that we would be willing to pay top dollar for their adorable wrinkles and smushed faces. The pug’s motto is “multum in parvo,” which translates to “a lot in a little.” Pugs are generally simple to care for and enjoy pleasing their owners, despite their tendency to be stubborn and headstrong. Nevertheless, it is necessary to clean and dry those adorable creases on a regular basis to prevent skin infections. However, you do not have to pay a groomer to perform this task.

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In addition, it is important to be aware that pugs, like other flat-faced canines, snore and snort. “These sounds can be quite loud and are a charming (or occasionally annoying) aspect of living with a pug,” explains Dr. Neese. When the weather is sweltering and humid, the short snouts of these animals can also cause breathing difficulties. Consequently, it is more advisable to remain indoors and enjoy the air conditioning.

Pembroke Welsh corgi

A corgi is a placid, affectionate, and charming breed of dog. In South Wales, their forebears were responsible for the laborious task of herding cattle for farmers. Corgis, despite their diminutive stature, are nimble and quick-witted. In order to maintain their emotional well-being, they will require mental stimulation and daily physical activity. Corgis are generally a robust breed; however, some tend to accumulate additional weight. And although that Corgi “loaf” may be irresistible, refrain from allowing it to become excessively large. It is advisable to limit the consumption of treats and ensure that your dog receives ample amounts of active playtime, as overweight canines are at a heightened risk of developing diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, arthritis, and other health issues. This will result in a reduction in your veterinarian expenses. And here’s another money-saving tip: Pugs do not require elaborate fur cuts. Don’t forget to brush them daily, as they do shed a significant quantity.


This popular and endearing long-nosed dog breed is instantly recognizable and is available in two sizes: The standard weighs approximately 35 pounds, while the diminutive weighs 11 pounds or less. Their coats may be silky, wiry, or long-haired. The wire-haired and long-haired coats are effortless to maintain with regular brushing and, in the case of the wires, intermittent eyebrow and beard trims. The smooth coat is wash and wear. Wire-haired dachshunds will also appear more sophisticated by manually plucking lifeless hairs.

Dachshunds are renowned for their tenacity, curiosity, boldness, and a hint of sass. Nevertheless, they are devoted lap dogs, enjoyable companions, and some of the most cost-effective dog varieties in relation to their size. Dachshunds are susceptible to disc issues as a result of their extended backs; therefore, a residence with stairs would not be an optimal environment for this breed.

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